AUSKICK - Registrations for Auskick are now open.
Auskick have two age groups:
Rookies U6 (born 2019 and 2020)
Pros U8 (born 2017 and 2018)
You can register for either group through our Auskick Registration link
For more general information about Auskick visit NAB AFL AUSKICK | Play.AFL
U9s - U18s mixed & girls competition - you can Register here Junior registration form
Registration fees for 2025 are:
Juniors (u9 to u18)
1st Child = $180
2nd Child = $150
3rd Child = $120
4th Child is free
If you are having any questions about the registration process please send through an email to the Registrar.
All players in Auskick Pro (age 7-8) and above must wear Cats shorts and socks during games.
Shorts are $30 and socks are $15.
To register for AFL you will need to have a PlayHQ account under a parent name to register your child.
If you don't have one, it's easy to do. Just click the registration link and you can set up a profile to log into PlayHQ.
If you are a returning player, make sure you use the same email address that you have previously registered under. This will make it easier to claim your profile from previous years.
If you have a new email address then you will be sent a verification code via your old account. If you don't have access to your old account, you will need to liaise with the AFL National Customer Support team who will be able to assist with verifying and claiming your old profile. You can contact them on:
Email –
Phone – 1800 PLAYAFL (1800 7529 235)
Once you are logged into PlayHQ, each child will need to be set up as a new participant.
As you move through the registration there will be an option to 'Claim Profile' as you finalise the registration.
This will transfer all the data on games played etc from SportsTG over to PlayHQ.
Family discounts can also be applied as you register. Click on the Junior Registration link and you will be taken to the PlayHQ page where you can see information on vouchers to be applied for 2nd, 3rd and 4th child discounts.
When you enter these vouchers at checkout, the discount will then be applied.
If you are having any problems please email